Happy Mother's Day!
Sojung gave me a beautiful silver heart necklace. One side says Mom and the other says I love you. So sweet. Marcus took the girls shopping and bought a Vera
Bradley messenger bag...it is time to break out the Mommy bag since I am officially a Mommy! They also bought a very cute Vera Bradley photo album.
Audrey created a book for me for Mother's Day. I was very impressed with her artwork. Looks just like me! So cute. The cover of the book says "Top Ten Reasons Why I Love My Mom" Here they are:
You correct me with gentleness. (OK, what 8 year old comes up with that? I asked if she came up with these herself and she told me her teacher put some on the board and used them and some she thought of herself. I am going to assume she copied this one.)
You care for me with cloths, (exact spelling!) food and warm blankets.
You love me when you help me with my homework.
You rock me when I feel sad.
You read stories to me.
You fix me breakfast.
You let us play.
You take me to the mall.
You turn up the volume in the car.
You let me sleep in on a Saturday. (However she doesn't let us! Those little darlings are up with the sun!)
Betty created a cookbook at school. (She has a fantastic kindergarten teacher, wink wink) The kids all picked their favorite food and then told how to prepare it. There are some really interesting recipes in there like Banana Bread that takes 5 large onions and 3 carrots. Uh, no thank you. Betty's recipe was for Birthday Cake. You are going to want to rush to the store and get the ingredients for this. Here it is:
Betty's Birthday Cake
17 scoops of chocolate and vanilla ice cream
Put in cake pan and bake at 150 degrees for four hours. Then cut and put on a plate for your family.