My mom used to make p
opsicles every summer for us. She passed down
the Tupperware molds and I just remembered the other day I had them. So I pulled out and started making some tasty treats. Betty was more than willing to help. We had just gone to the library and Audrey was more interested in reading the bag of books she had checked out instead of helping. The first batch we made pudding pops.
Rebecca - you would be proud. I didn't use
instant pudding. I did it the old fashioned way.

Next we made mixed berry ones. I didn't have any
kool aid so I improvised and used jello. For a twist we added fresh strawberries.

These are ready to go in the freezer.

Viola! They were a hit. See the strawberries? They loved them. Audrey was able to put the books down long enough to enjoy them.


The perfect treat for a summer afternoon.